

The Institute in Puzzles and Conquest is a building that has a huge impact on the development of the Lord. With help of this structure you will improve your gameplay, upgrade the Might and receive bonuses to the basic abilities and processes of life in the Castle and beyond.

The game describes the functions of the Institute:
“Where various technologies, both military and science, are researched”.

Let’s try to take a closer look at all aspects of the functioning of the Institute in your Castle.

Why the Institute is in the game?

The building exists for the fastest development. When you start your journey in the Kingdom of the Dragon you will be able to build buildings, collect an army, hunt, extract resources and so on. All these processes have their own characteristics of time and resource costs.

In the Institute you will find several thematic menu tabs that contain branches of development of improvements and talents. Research makes it much easier to participate in the daily events that appear and get best Rewards.

To research new bonuses you need to go to the internal menu of the Institute and click on one of the buttons. In total, there are 7 options for development:

  • Development,
  • Economy,
  • Military,
  • Military II,
  • Fortification,
  • Battle III,
  • Development II.

Building development levels

The Institute in the game Puzzles and Conquest can be improved through the internal building menu using the “Upgrade” button. Some components of the Research Progress Tree are available only at a certain level of development of the Institute. Also, Upgrading a building adds Might.

Let’s figure out which Research branches are in the structure. Depending on the cell, it can be improved several times in it. You increase the bonus to a certain skill a given number of times. If the cells in the branch are side by side at the same level, then further movement along the development tree will be possible when Researching these two cells in parallel.

The Development branch is rather a general set of improvements and bonuses.

Research TypeBonus
Construction I (5/5)Might + 929, Build Speed +5%
Research Speed I (5/5)Might + 1 178, Research Speed +5%
Troop Load I (5/5)Might + 572, Troop Load +5%Storage I (5/5)Might + 763, Warehouse Protection Cap + 200 000
Infirmary Cap I (5/5)Might + 2 354, Infirmary Cap + 8 000
Miraculous Survival I (5/5)Might + 15 829, Fatality Down +3%
Training Speed I (5/5)Might + 7 201, Training Speed +3%Fast Heal I (5/5)Might + 2 158, Heal Speed +3%
Food Cost Red. I (5/5)Might + 5 258, Rations Down -2%
Stamina Repln. I (5/5)Might + 1 354, Stamina Repln. Speed +1%
Troop Load II (10/10)Might + 984, Troop Load +1%Construction II (10/10)Might + 2 366, Build Speed +2%
Research Speed II (10/10)Might + 2 366, Research Speed +2%Storage II (10/10)Might + 1 885, Warehouse Protection Cap + 50 000
Miraculous Survival II (10/10)Might + 21 726, Fatality Down +1%
Food Cost Red. II (5/5)Might + 8 358, Rations Down -1%
Stamina Repln. II (10/10)Might + 11 910, Stamina Repln. Speed +2%Infirmary Cap II (10/10)Might + 6 234, Infirmary Cap + 2 000
Training Speed II (10/10)Might + 24 755, Training Speed +2%Fast Heal II (10/10)Might + 7 421, Heal Speed +2%

In the Military of the Institute in Puzzles and Conquest, you can find the following improvements:

  • March Speed I, II, III (gives Might and March Speed of the Troop),
  • Hunt March I, II, III (gives Might and Speed of March when Hunting),
  • March Queue I, II, III (gives Might and March Queue),
  • Troop Size I, II, III, IV (gives Might and the Limit of Sent Warriors),
  • Health, Defense, Attack of Infantry, Ranged, Cavalry, Siege I, II, III, IV, V (gives Might and parameters of the Army).

In the Fortification section you can improve the Protection of Walls, Traps and the parameters of Defenders. You can open the rest of the Research sections only if you actively develop your Castle.

The development of buildings important for your territory and in order to improve the Institute, you need to improve your fortress – the Castle. Further directions of Research are available under the following conditions:

  • Military II – Requires Level 30 Institute,
  • Battle III – Requires Level 36 Institute,
  • Development II – Requires Level 36 Institute.

How can I find the Institute in Puzzles and Conquest?

To find the Institute on the inner map of the Kingdom you should go into the game and select the main screen of the Castle. On the first level of the fortress wall after the Castle itself, to the right of the Statue of the Goddess, there will be a building. To build it, you need to develop the Castle to Level 4.

When you complete all the requirements for the development of the territory, you will be able to select the square building slot to the right of the Statue of the Goddess. You will go to the Build menu and can select the “Build” option next to the Institute tab.

You must progress to open the Institute in the game Puzzles and Conquest. Play and score with our introductory articles!


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