Stone of Blessing Event


In the Stone of Blessing Event in Puzzles and Conquest, you have to accumulate in-game items to increase Might. Points can be given by receiving the item “Stone of Blessing” as a reward. The challenge includes 3 types of awards, one of which is the Kingdom Rating.

How to get Points

To get points, you must collect certain in-game items in every possible way.

Get Stone of Blessing1,000 Points

About Rewards

Individual Reward for Points consists of 6 phases of rewards. To reach phase 6 you will need to score over 500,000+ points. As rewards, you can get: Diamonds, Blitz-Token, 1-star Essence of Gem, Resources, Sauroi EXP, Military Runestones, Speedups and other useful items.

Also in the Stone of Blessing Event there is a Personal Rating in which the Lords participate and compete in the number of points earned, so you have to measure your Might not only with the members of your kingdom, but also with the Lords from other servers.

Top 1,000 Lords by points among all kingdoms with at least 500,000+ points will receive generous ranking rewards. The rewards include the Summon Stone II, which allows you to get Fragments of 5-Star Heroes: Ne Zha, Poseidon and Nefertari, as well as Marks of Glory and Stones of Blessing.

There is also a Kingdoms Rating in the action. It summarizes the indicators of the 300 best Lords of the kingdom, who have scored at least 100,000+ points, in each kingdom and forms the overall rating of the server where they are located. Rating rewards will be sent to players by in-game email at the end of the event.

We wish you good luck with the Stone of Blessing Event in Puzzles and Conquest and get the highest positions in the Ratings.


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