Game Update 5.0.143


Welcome here, Lords! It’s time for another game update 5.0.143 Puzzles and Conquest. Let’s follow the changes that came with the global update for all Kingdoms.

We remind you that when server maintenance starts, access to the game is disabled for one hour consecutively in all Kingdoms. If you have not yet passed the update, then soon it will be in your Kingdom. Do not forget to prepare to disconnect and complete all the started game actions!

Game changes

Now let’s see what changes have been made with the release of the patch:

  1. New Alliance Tech: Alliance Skills.
  2. Alliance Skills: After researching alliance skills, alliance leaders and officers can use them to activate certain effects.
  3. New Lord Look: Lucifer (Troop ATK +5%, Building Speed +5%, Training Speed +5%).
  4. New Hero Skins for Caishen, Yang, Horus, and Ryska.
  5. Your waiting time to move in the Puzzle Duel now varies according to the number of combos (matches you make on end) in your last move.

Alliance Skills

To see the new Alliance Skills option, you need to go to the Alliance menu (to do this you need to be a member of the Alliance), open the “Alliance Technologies” section and there is already the “Alliance Skills” tab.

Purge(Max Level Effect) Relocates enemy castles within your alliance territory by force. CD:5D.
Crisis Solving(Max Level Effect) Sends back troops who are removing your Alliance Fort. CD:3D.
Freeze Target(Max Level Effect) Freezes an enemy castle in your alliance territory for 30min(s). The frozen target won’t be able to use relocation items. CD:7D.
When the frozen castle is defeated, it will be relocated to a random location in its original kingdom and the frozen status will be removed.
Overall DEF(Max Level Effect) Grants all alliance members in your alliance territory an extra shield that lasts for 1hr(s). CD:5D.
Alliance Resource(Max Level Effect) Grants all alliance members in your alliance territory a gathering speedup effect +50% for 24 hrs. CD:7D.
Ultimate Battle(Max Level Effect) Allows alliance members to deal +30% more damage in battles at Alliance Fort for 30 mins (effective only in PvP). CD:7D.

Upcoming Events

Along with the update, new skins appeared in the cosmetic section of the Castle. So, we all know that there are Festival Events in the game, which can be found in the special Holiday section. They are tied to certain dates or game novelties.

Looking at the content, the celebration of the Spring Festival and Valentine’s Day is coming soon. The organizers have already prepared for the players the appropriate skins for the Castle, Ambience, Nameplate, March and Avatar Frame. The Spring Festival is a celebration of the Chinese New Year, so don’t miss out on unique events to earn special rewards.

Presented cosmetic novelties:

  1. Skin for Castle “Spring Shire”: Infantry ATK +10%, Ranged ATK +10%, Cavalry ATK +10%.
  2. Skin for Castle “Rose Castle”: Infantry DEF +10%, Ranged DEF +10%, Cavalry DEF +10%.
  3. Ambience “Festive Mood”: Infantry HP +10%, Ranged HP +10%, Cavalry HP +10%.
  4. Ambience “Love Confession”: Troop DEF +5%, Troop HP +5%.
  5. Nameplate “Spring Fest”: Troop HP +2%.
  6. Nameplate “Devoted Love”: Troop ATK +2%.
  7. March “Lucky Fish”: Hunt March Speed +2%, Cavalry ATK +4%.
  8. March “Lover Boy”: Hunt March Speed ​​+2%, Ranged ATK +4%.
  9. Avatar frame “Spring Fest”: ATK Ranged +5%.
  10. Avatar frame “Devoted Love”: Troop HP +2%.


So, you will be able to receive a set of certain bonuses in the game for the fact that the server has been shut down. This time, you will receive the following sets in Green Chests:

Maintenance Compensation 01/13/2022: 300 x Diamonds, 3 x 60 min. Speedup, 3 х 60 min. Building Speedup.

We wish you great Spring Festival and Lunar New Year, good game, glorious conquests and, do not forget to pick up all the Compensations that you can find on the main screen of the Castle in the form of interactive chests after Game Update 5.0.143 Puzzles and Conquest.


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