Game Update 5.0.110


Game Update 5.0.110 Puzzles and Conquest is out today with no maintenance interruption. The day before, a new Event was announced in the game, which happened this morning. Let’s see together with you what has changed recently.

Game Changes

  1. Added cosmetics for the Castle (can be obtained for donation or as a reward for participating in special Festive Events).
  • Skin for the Castle “Turkey Castle”, improvements: Infantry Defense + 10%, Ranged Defense + 10%, Cavalry Defense + 10%.
  • Ambience “Turkey Feast”, improvements: Infantry HP + 10%, Ranged HP + 10%, Cavalry HP + 10%.
  • Nameplate “Grand Feast”, improvements: Troop HP + 2%. Nameplate “Duel King”, improvements: Troop ATK + 5%, Troop HP + 10%.
  • March “Rhino Rider”, improvements: Hunt March Speed + 2%, Troop DEF + 2%.
  1. A new event “Puzzle Duel” has appeared. The event lasts 6 days and consists of a three-in-a-row competition, which is determined by a set of points in real time. To participate in the competition, you need to register within a certain period of time. You will have an hour of time and several attempts to defeat your opponent and score points to win.

Friends, good luck to everyone in the game, and do not forget to participate in the new event after Game Update 5.0.110 Puzzles and Conquest.


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