Game Update 2022-07-28


Dear Lord,

Patch note in 07-28 version, Maintenance will be performed on 09:00-10:30 UTC Have great day.

[New Content]

1. New hero appearance for Guan Yu, Ne Zha, and Poseidon.

2. Glory Level limit increased to Lv.60.

3. Glory Trial level 121-130.

4. Rewards from Challenger Chests are increased.


1. Curio Enhancement – Quick Select: When opened, you may quick select Common – Rare Curios for enhancement.

2. Dragondom Conquest:

a. Added Dragondom Infirmary: During the contest, all lost soldiers in Altar or Fortress battles will be sent to Dragondom Infirmary (soldiers damaged by Altar attack when occupying a Fortress will also be sent to Dragondom Infirmary). The Dragondom Infirmary will be closed 10 minutes after the contest is over. Upon the closing of Dragondom Infirmary, for all soldiers being treated inside Dragondom Infirmary, 90% of them will recover immediately, while 10% of them will die.

b. Exploit source:

Previously: Exploits are obtained from killing or losing T9+ troops.

New: Finish Dragondom Conquest Exploit Quests to obtain Exploits. Quests include Kills Quest, Fallen Units Quest, Occupy Quest.

3. Feast:

a. Feast membership limit is removed.

b. After purchasing packs, sends gifts to all Feast members. There will be a limit of claimable gifts in each Feast. The limits are different between different Feasts.

c. Chat interval in Feast. You will need to wait for a while after sending one message in Feast.

4. Rewards from Challenger Chests are increased.


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